Viking Beards

 How to Grow a Viking Beard

Growing a Viking beard requires patience, dedication, and proper grooming. This bold and bushy style, often associated with Norse warriors, is a symbol of manliness, virility, and strength. Here are some essential tips for achieving this epic look:

 Tip 1: Let Your Beard Grow

You can't grow a Viking beard overnight. It's a waiting game, and you'll need to dig deep and find some patience. Although it takes about six weeks to grow a Norseman-worthy beard, the wait is 100% worth it. Healthy hair growth is influenced by hormones, a healthy diet, and genetics. You can help the process by maintaining a good grooming routine and taking care of your overall wellbeing.

 Tip 2: Clean Your Beard

Keeping your beard clean is crucial. Use a beard shampoo every 2 to 3 days to avoid stripping natural oils and drying out your hair fibers. Applying products like beard oil and balm helps protect and moisturize your beard, keeping it looking top-notch.

 Tip 3: Brush Your Beard with a Beard Comb

Take a grooming tip from the Vikings of old and use a comb or beard brush for your daily beard care ritual. Brushing helps train your hair to grow in a certain direction, detangles your beard, evenly distributes beard care products, stimulates local blood flow, and helps style your beard into your desired shape.

 Tip 4: Trim from Time to Time to Keep It Neat and Tidy

Facial hair can look messy during the growth phase. Trim your beard occasionally to maintain a neat appearance. Use a trimmer or quality scissors to get rid of stray hairs, creating a general shape for your new beard.

 Tip 5: Eat Healthy Foods

A balanced diet is essential for your health and influences your body's ability to grow facial hair. Ensure your diet includes proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins by consuming healthy foods like fish, eggs, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.

Did Vikings Have Beards or Were They Clean Shaven?

From approximately 800 AD to 1066 AD, Vikings roamed Eastern and Western Europe, known for their aggressive invasions and craftsmanship, especially their ships. Besides their battle skills and invasive nature, Vikings were famous for their distinctive grooming habits.

Contrary to the popular image of dirty, burly men, Vikings took great pride in their appearance. They maintained good hygiene, using tools like combs made of bone to keep their hair and beards clean and tidy. Both males and females in Viking society practiced daily hygiene, taking care of their skin and hair. Vikings often shaved their necks to emphasize their beards, which were typically well-groomed and conservatively styled.

 Were Beards Really All That Important to Viking Age?

Hair and beards were central to Viking identity. Old Norse poems describe Norse gods with beards, and historical accounts show that Vikings valued their facial hair highly. The overwhelming majority of Viking men had beards, which were often long and braided to prevent hair from getting in the way during battles.

Beards were a symbol of manliness, strength, and warrior spirit. Famous Viking figures like Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark, were known for their distinctive beard styles. Vikings kept their beards clean and well-groomed, using tools like combs and tweezers, and often added personal touches like braids and beads.

Whether you prefer a short, wild, or perfectly groomed beard, there's a Viking style for everyone. The key to achieving the perfect Viking beard is proper care. Keep your beard clean, hydrated, and well-maintained with quality products and tools.


Embrace your inner Viking by growing and styling a beard that showcases your warrior spirit. With patience, proper care, and the right grooming techniques, you can achieve an impressive Viking beard. Explore different styles and find the one that best suits your features and personality.

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